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Basic Input and Output in C#

Data Structures and Algorithms with C# is an incredibly powerful tool for those looking to gain a better understanding of the C# programming language. In this course, you will learn how to write code and create applications which utilize the principles of data structures and algorithms. One of the most important topics covered in this course is basic input and output in C#.

Basic input and output, or I/O, is a programming concept that allows for the exchange of data between a program and its user. With the help of C#, this exchange of data can be done in a number of ways. In this article, we will discuss the basics of input and output in C#, how to write code to handle user data, and how to use the various input and output techniques available in the language. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each technique and provide a few coding exercises to help you test your understanding of the material. 

What is Input & Output in C#?

At its core, input and output in C# is the process of exchanging data between a program and its user. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as reading and writing from the console, files, and databases. Input and output in C# is an important concept that allows for the transfer of data between a program and its user. It is also a powerful tool for debugging and testing applications, as it allows the programmer to see exactly what data is being sent and received.

In C#, there are several ways to handle input and output. The most common methods are Console I/O, File I/O, and Database I/O. Let’s take a closer look at each of these methods. 

Console I/O

Console I/O is one of the most basic forms of input and output in C#. It allows a program to receive data from the user via the console and output data to the user via the console. 

Console I/O is most commonly used in the form of “stdin” and “stdout”. “stdin” is used to receive input from the user, while “stdout” is used to output data to the user.

The following code sample shows how to use the Console.ReadLine() method to receive user input from the console and the Console.WriteLine() method to output data to the console:

// Receive user input from the console
string userInput = Console.ReadLine();

// Output data to the console
Console.WriteLine("You entered: " + userInput);

File I/O

File I/O is another form of input and output in C#. It allows a program to receive data from a file and output data to a file. This can be useful when working with large amounts of data or when dealing with data that needs to be stored and retrieved at a later time.

To read data from a file in C#, the StreamReader class is typically used. The following code sample shows how to use the StreamReader class to read data from a text file:

// Create a StreamReader object
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("myFile.txt");

// Read data from the file
string fileData = reader.ReadToEnd();

// Close the reader

Similarly, to write data to a file in C#, the StreamWriter class is typically used. The following code sample shows how to use the StreamWriter class to write data to a text file:

// Create a StreamWriter object
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("myFile.txt");

// Write data to the file
writer.WriteLine("This is my data");

// Close the writer

Database I/O

Database I/O is another form of input and output in C#. It allows a program to receive data from a database and output data to a database. This can be useful when dealing with large amounts of data or when data needs to be stored and retrieved at a later time.

To read data from a database in C#, the SqlDataReader class is typically used. The following code sample shows how to use the SqlDataReader class to read data from a SQL database:

// Create a SqlCommand object
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM myTable", connection);

// Execute the command
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

// Read data from the database
while (reader.Read())
    string data = reader["dataColumn"].ToString();

// Close the reader

Similarly, to write data to a database in C#, the SqlCommand class is typically used. The following code sample shows how to use the SqlCommand class to write data to a SQL database:

// Create a SqlCommand object
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO myTable (dataColumn) VALUES (@data)", connection);

// Add parameters
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@data", "My Data");

// Execute the command

Advantages and Disadvantages of Input & Output in C#

Input and output in C# is a powerful tool for exchanging data between a program and its user. However, it also has its drawbacks. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of input and output in C#.


  • Allows for the exchange of data between a program and its user
  • Can be used to debug and test applications
  • Can be used for a variety of tasks, such as reading and writing from the console, files, and databases


  • Can be difficult to debug
  • Can be time consuming to write, as there are many different techniques and methods to consider
  • Can be resource intensive, as it often requires the use of additional libraries and frameworks


In conclusion, input and output in C# is a powerful tool for exchanging data between a program and its user. It allows for the transfer of data in a variety of ways, including console I/O, file I/O, and database I/O. Each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider them carefully when deciding which one to use. 


Write a program that reads a list of numbers from a file and outputs the average of those numbers to the console.

// Create a StreamReader object
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("numbers.txt");

// Variables to store the sum and count of the numbers
int sum = 0;
int count = 0;

// Read data from the file
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
    // Get the next number from the file
    string line = reader.ReadLine();
    int number = int.Parse(line);

    // Add the number to the sum
    sum += number;

    // Increment the count

// Close the reader

// Calculate the average
int average = sum / count;

// Output the average to the console
Console.WriteLine("The average of the numbers is: " + average);

Write a program that reads a list of names from a file and outputs them to the console in alphabetical order.

// Create a StreamReader object
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("names.txt");

// Create a list to store the names
List<string> names = new List<string>();

// Read data from the file
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
    // Get the next name from the file
    string line = reader.ReadLine();

    // Add the name to the list

// Close the reader

// Sort the list

// Output the names to the console
foreach (string name in names)

Write a program that reads a list of numbers from the console and writes them to a file.

// Create a StreamWriter object
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("numbers.txt");

// Variables to store the input
string input = "";

// Read input from the console
while (input != "done")
    // Get the next input from the console
    input = Console.ReadLine();

    // If the input is not "done"...
    if (input != "done")
        // Write the input to the file

// Close the writer

Write a program that reads data from a database and outputs it to the console.

// Create a SqlCommand object
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM myTable", connection);

// Execute the command
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

// Read data from the database
while (reader.Read())
    // Get the data from the database
    string data = reader["dataColumn"].ToString();

    // Output the data to the console

// Close the reader

Write a program that inserts data into a database.

// Create a SqlCommand object
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO myTable (dataColumn) VALUES (@data)", connection);

// Add parameters
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@data", "My Data");

// Execute the command