Lesson 4 of 21
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Configuring Hardhat for Your Project

Once you’ve set up your development environment and created a new Hardhat project, you’ll need to configure Hardhat to meet the specific needs and requirements of your project. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to configure Hardhat for your project, including how to set up external libraries and plugins, define custom tasks, and customize other aspects of your project.

Setting Up External Libraries and Plugins

Hardhat provides a plugin system that allows you to extend its functionality and integrate with other tools and libraries. You can use plugins to add custom tasks, modify the behavior of Hardhat, and access additional features and capabilities.

To set up an external library or plugin, you’ll need to install it using npm (the Node.js package manager) and then require it in your Hardhat configuration file (hardhat.config.js).

For example, to set up the chai library (a popular assertion library for testing), you would run the following command:

npm install --save-dev chai

Then, in your hardhat.config.js file, you would require the library as follows:

const chai = require("chai");

module.exports = {
  // Your configuration goes here
  plugins: [
      "hardhat-chai": {

This will make the chai library available to your Hardhat tasks and tests, allowing you to use it to write assertions and perform tests.

Defining Custom Tasks

Hardhat provides a range of built-in tasks that you can use to perform common development tasks, such as compiling contracts, running tests, and deploying contracts. However, you may want to create custom tasks that perform specific actions or operations that are unique to your project.

To define a custom task in Hardhat, you’ll need to add it to the tasks object in your hardhat.config.js file. Here is an example of a custom task that prints a message to the console:

module.exports = {
  tasks: {
    async helloWorld(args, hardhatArguments) {
      console.log("Hello, world!");

To run this task, you can use the hardhat run command, specifying the name of the task as an argument:

hardhat run helloWorld

You can also specify arguments and options for your custom tasks by using the args and hardhatArguments parameters. For example:

module.exports = {
  tasks: {
    async greet(args, hardhatArguments) {
      console.log(`Hello, ${args.name}!`);

To run this task with an argument, you can use the -- operator:

hardhat run greet --name John

This will print “Hello, John!” to the console.

Customizing Other Aspects of Your Project

In addition to setting up external libraries and plugins and defining custom tasks, you can also customize other aspects of your Hardhat project by modifying the configuration file. Some of the options and settings you can modify include:

  • Solidity compiler options: You can specify the Solidity compiler version to use, set up custom compiler options, and configure the compilation process for your contracts.
  • Paths and file patterns: You can specify the directories where your contract and test files are located, as well as the file patterns to use when looking for these files.
  • Contract options: You can specify specific contracts and the compiler options to use for each contract, as well as other options such as the optimization level and the gas limit.

For more information on the various configuration options available, you can refer to the Hardhat documentation (https://hardhat.org/docs/).


Configuring Hardhat for your project is an important step in the development process, as it allows you to tailor the framework to meet the specific needs and requirements of your project. By setting up external libraries and plugins, defining custom tasks, and customizing other aspects of your project, you can make Hardhat an even more powerful and flexible tool for building decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain.


To review these concepts, we will go through a series of exercises designed to test your understanding and apply what you have learned.

What is the command to install an external library or plugin using npm?

npm install --save-dev [library]

Where do you define custom tasks in a Hardhat project?

Custom tasks are defined in the tasks object in the hardhat.config.js file.

What are the two parameters that can be used in a custom task function?

args and hardhatArguments

How do you specify the Solidity compiler version to use in a Hardhat project?

You can specify the Solidity compiler version in the solidity object in the hardhat.config.js file. For example:

module.exports = {
  solidity: {
    compilers: [
        version: "0.8.3",
        docker: false,

How do you specify the directories where your contract and test files are located in a Hardhat project?

You can specify the directories in the paths object in the hardhat.config.js file. For example:

const path = require("path");

module.exports = {
  paths: {
    sources: path.join(__dirname, "contracts"),
    tests: path.join(__dirname, "test"),