Lesson 25 of 34
In Progress

Why is Testing Important?

As a Solidity developer, it is crucial to thoroughly test your smart contracts to ensure they are functioning as intended. This is especially important when working with smart contracts on the Ethereum network, as these contracts are immutable and cannot be changed once deployed.

Ensuring Security

One of the main reasons testing is so important is to ensure the security of your smart contracts. Smart contracts handle valuable assets and it is essential that they are free from vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to the loss of these assets. Testing allows you to uncover any potential security issues and fix them before your contracts are deployed on the mainnet.

Ensuring Reliability and Correctness

In addition to security, testing also helps to ensure the reliability and correctness of your smart contracts. By thoroughly testing your contracts, you can catch any bugs or issues that may cause your contracts to malfunction. This is especially important when working with complex contracts that may have multiple interactions and dependencies.

Improving Maintainability

Testing also helps to improve the maintainability of your contracts. By writing comprehensive test cases, you can more easily understand the functionality of your contracts and make changes to them as needed. This can save time and effort in the long run, as you will have a better understanding of how your contracts work and how to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.


Overall, testing is an essential part of Solidity development and should not be overlooked. By taking the time to thoroughly test your contracts, you can ensure the security, reliability, and maintainability of your smart contracts and protect the valuable assets they handle.


To review these concepts, we will go through a series of exercises designed to test your understanding and apply what you have learned.

Write a test case to ensure that a contract’s function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) properly transfers the specified value to the specified address.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "truffle/Assert.sol";
import "truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol";
import "../contracts/MyContract.sol";

contract TestMyContract {
  MyContract contract;

  function testTransfer() public {
    address receiver = 0x123456;
    uint value = 100;
    uint initialBalance = receiver.balance;

    contract.transfer(receiver, value);

    Assert.equal(receiver.balance, initialBalance + value, "Transfer failed");

Write a test case to ensure that a contract’s function withdraw() properly deducts the specified amount from the contract’s balance and sends it to the caller.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "truffle/Assert.sol";
import "truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol";
import "../contracts/MyContract.sol";

contract TestMyContract {
  MyContract contract;

  function testWithdraw() public {
    uint value = 100;
    uint initialBalance = contract.balance;
    uint initialCallerBalance = msg.sender.balance;


    Assert.equal(contract.balance, initialBalance - value, "Withdraw failed");
    Assert.equal(msg.sender.balance, initialCallerBalance + value, "Withdraw failed");

Write a test case to ensure that a contract’s function addFunds() properly adds the specified amount to the contract’s balance and reduces the caller’s balance by the same amount.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "truffle/Assert.sol";
import "truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol";
import "../contracts/MyContract.sol";

contract TestMyContract {
  MyContract contract;

  function testAddFunds() public {
    uint value = 100;
    uint initialContractBalance = contract.balance;
    uint initialCallerBalance = msg.sender.balance;


    Assert.equal(contract.balance, initialContractBalance + value, "Add funds failed");
    Assert.equal(msg.sender.balance, initialCallerBalance - value, "Add funds failed");

Write a test case to ensure that a contract’s function executeTransaction(address _to, uint256 _value) properly transfers the specified value to the specified address if the caller has provided the correct secret key.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "truffle/Assert.sol";
import "truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol";
import "../contracts/MyContract.sol";

contract TestMyContract {
  MyContract contract;

  function testExecuteTransaction() public {
    address receiver = 0x123456;
    uint value = 100;
    uint initialBalance = receiver.balance;
    bytes32 secretKey = "correctKey";

    contract.executeTransaction(receiver, value, secretKey);

    Assert.equal(receiver.balance, initialBalance + value, "Transaction execution failed");

Write a test case to ensure that a contract’s function executeTransaction(address _to, uint256 _value) does not transfer the specified value if the caller has provided an incorrect secret key.

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "truffle/Assert.sol";
import "truffle/DeployedAddresses.sol";
import "../contracts/MyContract.sol";

contract TestMyContract {
  MyContract contract;

  function testExecuteTransaction() public {
    address receiver = 0x123456;
    uint value = 100;
    uint initialBalance = receiver.balance;
    bytes32 secretKey = "incorrectKey";

    contract.executeTransaction(receiver, value, secretKey);

    Assert.equal(receiver.balance, initialBalance, "Transaction execution should have failed");