Lesson 12 of 14
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Implementing Secure Authentication and Authorization with Web3.js

As a developer, it is essential to ensure that your DApps have secure authentication and authorization systems in place to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access. In this article, we will look at how to use Web3.js to implement secure authentication and authorization in your DApps.

Understanding Authentication and Authorization

Before we dive into the details of how to implement authentication and authorization with Web3.js, it is important to understand the differences between these two concepts.

Authentication refers to the process of verifying the identity of a user or device. This is typically done through the use of login credentials such as a username and password, or by using biometric authentication methods like facial recognition or fingerprints.

Authorization, on the other hand, refers to the process of granting or denying access to certain resources or actions based on a user’s permissions or roles. For example, a user with the role of “admin” may have access to certain resources or actions that are not available to a user with the role of “user”.

Implementing Authentication with Web3.js

There are several approaches that you can take to implement authentication in your DApps using Web3.js. One common approach is to use Ethereum accounts as login credentials, and to store user data in a smart contract or on a decentralized storage platform like IPFS.

To implement authentication with Web3.js, you will need to do the following:

  1. Set up a login form for users to enter their Ethereum account address and password.
  2. Use Web3.js to unlock the user’s Ethereum account using their password.
  3. Check the user’s Ethereum account address against a list of approved addresses stored in a smart contract or on a decentralized storage platform.
  4. If the account address is approved, log the user in and grant them access to the DApp. If the account address is not approved, display an error message.

Here is an example of how to implement authentication with Web3.js:

// Frontend code (JavaScript)

const login = async () => {
  const account = document.getElementById('account').value;
  const password = document.getElementById('password').value;

  try {
    await web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account, password, 60);
    const approved = await contract.methods.isApproved(account).call();
    if (approved) {
      // Log the user in and grant them access to the DApp
      localStorage.setItem('loggedIn', true);
    } else {
      // Display an error message
      alert('Your account is not approved');
  } catch (error) {
    // Display an error message
    alert('Incorrect account or password');

In this example, the user’s Ethereum account is unlocked using the unlockAccount method and their password. The isApproved method is then called on a smart contract to check if the user’s account is approved. If the account is approved, the user is logged in and granted access to the DApp. If the account is not approved, an error message is displayed.

Implementing Authorization with Web3.js

Once you have implemented authentication, you can use Web3.js to implement authorization in your DApp. This can be done by using smart contracts to store and manage user roles and permissions, and by using these roles and permissions to control access to certain resources or actions.

To implement authorization with Web3.js, you will need to do the following:

  1. Define the roles and permissions that users of your DApp will have.
  2. Store these roles and permissions in a smart contract or on a decentralized storage platform.
  3. Use Web3.js to check a user’s roles and permissions when they attempt to access a resource or perform an action.
  4. If the user has the required roles and permissions, allow them access. If the user does not have the required roles and permissions, display an error message or redirect them to a different page.

Here is an example of how to implement authorization with Web3.js:

// Frontend code (JavaScript)

const createPost = async () => {
  const account = web3.eth.defaultAccount;
  const permissions = await contract.methods.getPermissions(account).call();
  if (permissions.includes('createPost')) {
    // Allow the user to create a post
  } else {
    // Display an error message or redirect the user
    alert('You do not have permission to create a post');

In this example, the getPermissions method is called on a smart contract to retrieve the permissions of the current user. If the user has the createPost permission, they are allowed to create a post. If they do not have the createPost permission, an error message is displayed.


Implementing secure authentication and authorization in your DApps is crucial to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access. By using Web3.js, you can easily implement these systems using Ethereum accounts and smart contracts.

With the knowledge you have gained in this article, you should be able to confidently implement authentication and authorization in your own DApps using Web3.js. Remember to always carefully consider the security of your authentication and authorization systems, and to regularly update them to ensure the protection of your users’ data.


To review these concepts, we will go through a series of exercises designed to test your understanding and apply what you have learned.

Write a function that allows a user to change their password. The function should take in the user’s current password and their new password as arguments, and should use Web3.js to update the user’s password in the Ethereum blockchain.

const changePassword = async (currentPassword, newPassword) => {
  try {
    const account = web3.eth.defaultAccount;
    await web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account, currentPassword, 60);
    await web3.eth.personal.changePassword(account, currentPassword, newPassword);
  } catch (error) {
    // Display an error message
    alert('Unable to change password');

Write a function that allows an admin user to add a new user to the list of approved accounts. The function should take in the new user’s Ethereum account address and their desired role as arguments, and should use Web3.js to update the list of approved accounts in a smart contract.

const addUser = async (account, role) => {
  const admin = web3.eth.defaultAccount;
  const isAdmin = await contract.methods.isAdmin(admin).call();
  if (isAdmin) {
    await contract.methods.addUser(account, role).send({ from: admin });
  } else {
    // Display an error message
    alert('You do not have permission to add a new user');

Write a function that retrieves a user’s role from a smart contract and displays it on the frontend of your DApp.

const getRole = async () => {
  const account = web3.eth.defaultAccount;
  const role = await contract.methods.getRole(account).call();
  // Display the role on the frontend
  document.getElementById('role').innerHTML = role;

Write a function that checks if a user has a specific permission before allowing them to perform a certain action. The function should take in the desired permission as an argument and should return a boolean value indicating whether the user has the permission or not.

const hasPermission = async (permission) => {
  const account = web3.eth.defaultAccount;
  const permissions = await contract.methods.getPermissions(account).call();
  return permissions.includes(permission);

Write a function that allows an admin user to update a user’s role in a smart contract. The function should take in the user’s Ethereum account address and their new role as arguments, and should use Web3.js to update the user’s role in the smart contract.

const updateRole = async (account, role) => {
  const admin = web3.eth.defaultAccount;
  const isAdmin = await contract.methods.isAdmin(admin).call();
  if (isAdmin) {
    await contract.methods.updateRole(account, role).send({ from: admin });
  } else {
    // Display an error message
    alert('You do not have permission to update a user's role');